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How to Create and Send a Voicemail Welcome Message Audio File for Serenity

August 9, 2024

Creating a professional voicemail welcome message is an important step in setting up your Serenity CRM account. This guide provides detailed instructions for recording an audio file on different devices, saving it, and sending it to Whether you're using an iPhone, Android device, PC, or Mac, we've got you covered.

1. Recording a Voicemail Message on iPhone


1. Open the Voice Memos App:

  • Locate and open the "Voice Memos" app on your iPhone. It comes pre-installed on most devices.

2. Record Your Message:

  • Tap the red record button to start recording your voicemail message.
  • Speak clearly and ensure you're in a quiet environment.
  • When finished, tap the red square button to stop recording.

3. Name Your Recording:

  • Tap on the default name (usually the date) to rename your file for easy identification, such as "WelcomeMessage."

4. Save the Recording:

  • The recording is automatically saved in the Voice Memos app.

5. Share the Recording:

  • Tap on your recording, then tap the "Share" button (a square with an arrow pointing upward).
  • Select "Mail" and enter as the recipient.
  • Send the email.

2. Recording a Voicemail Message on Android


1. Open the Voice Recorder App:

  • Most Android phones come with a pre-installed voice recorder app. If you can't find one, you can download a free app like "Voice Recorder" from the Google Play Store.

2. Record Your Message:

  • Open the app and press the record button to begin.
  • Speak clearly and ensure there is minimal background noise.
  • Press the stop button when you're finished.

3. Name and Save Your Recording:

  • After recording, you'll be prompted to name your file. Name it something recognizable, like "WelcomeMessage."
  • Save the file in a location you can easily access.

4. Share the Recording:

  • Find your saved recording in the app or file manager.
  • Tap the "Share" button and choose your email app.
  • Enter and send the email with the attached audio file.

3. Recording a Voicemail Message on a PC


1. Open the Voice Recorder App (Windows 10/11):

  • Type "Voice Recorder" in the search bar next to the Start menu and open the app.

2. Record Your Message:

  • Click the microphone button to start recording.
  • Speak clearly, and ensure you are in a quiet environment.
  • Click the stop button when you're finished.

3. Save the Recording:

  • The recording is automatically saved in the "Sound recordings" folder in your "Documents" library.
  • Rename the file to something like "WelcomeMessage" for easy reference.

4. Share the Recording:

  • Open your email client, create a new email, and attach the file.
  • Address it to and send it.

4. Recording a Voicemail Message on a Mac


1. Open QuickTime Player:

  • Go to "Applications" and open "QuickTime Player."

2. Start a New Audio Recording:

  • In QuickTime Player, go to "File" > "New Audio Recording."
  • Click the red record button to start recording.
  • Speak clearly and make sure your environment is quiet.
  • Click the stop button when you're finished.

3. Save the Recording:

  • Go to "File" > "Save" to save your recording.
  • Name your file "WelcomeMessage" or another recognizable name and save it to a location you'll remember.

4. Share the Recording:

  • Open your Mail app, create a new email, and attach the audio file.
  • Send the email to

Final Tips

  • Ensure Quality: Before sending, listen to your recording to make sure it’s clear and professional.
  • Keep it Brief: Aim for a concise message that clearly communicates your welcome message without being too lengthy, 10 seconds is about right.
  • Follow Up: After sending your recording, you’ll receive a confirmation email from the Serenity team.

By following these instructions, you can easily create a professional voicemail welcome message and send it to our team at Serenity. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Disclaimer: This publication and the information included in it are not intended to serve as a substitute for consultation with business consultants and professionals. Specific business, financial, legal issues, concerns and conditions always require the advice of appropriate professionals. Any opinions expressed are solely those of the participant and do not represent the views or opinions of this company.

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